Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One final word

I thought I was done with blogging, but apparently I'm not. Just one last post before I close the book:

A week has past since Ironman, and as the post-race fatigue subsides, both my reflection on the event and my outlook for the future has shifted. I may well have been in a highly fatigued and emotionally numb state when I wrote my race report; as the days have passed and my energy returns (how quickly that happens!), I've felt increasingly happy with the experience and proud of my achievement. I think I can do better though, so (surprise, surprise) I will likely do another Ironman next year. I'm setting no goals and making no promises to myself; for now, I am happy to ride my bike and run some trails and paddle around in the pool.

Over the last week, a lot of people have politely pointed out to me that my achievement in my first Ironman was an incredible one, and the sharing of my journey to get there inspired them in small ways and great ways. So other than feeling increasingly proud of myself, I am feeling overwhelmingly proud to have the friends and family that I have. Thank you to everyone who has reminded me that I have reason to be so on both counts.


  1. You can chalk another one up for me being inspired by your blog. Whenever I read about your training and diet it keeps me fired up to get into the gym and make healthy food choices. In fact you're part of the reason I decided to get back into swimming this fall!

    Thanks for sharing your stories. I'll be sad to see you go offline :(

  2. That is so great to hear - way to go Darren!

  3. Hey Rachel! I've been a bit behind the times having followed your blog until July: getting married, moving house and embarking on a new career affected my on-line time of late! I've now caught up. Congratulations - what a fantastic achievement! I've loved following your blog, it's been really inspirational. I think you have a gift for writing and hope you keep it up in some form. Well done again on such a fantastic achievement. I am inspired to put on my trainers and head out on a jog this afternoon :)

  4. I came upon your blog randomly but I'm glad I did--I've run marathons before but never really buckled down and went for it. Next year I'd like to run Chicago with a goal time in mind--thanks for sharing your experiences!!

  5. Although its more than 5 years too late, way to go on your journey to doing these events. Its really cool what you have accomplished.
