Friday, May 22, 2009

A Poor Excuse for a Post

I'm back into a rhythm with training, but not a rhythm of blogging. I have to confess that I think I'm struggling with blogger's block. It's not from lack of things to blog about, but rather the opposite. I'm training like crazy, discovering a host of new and interesting things and loving my life in France, and I'm not sure how to begin to write about any of it. And as for being vegan, it feels so normal to me now that it doesn't feel remotely interesting to share about it.

So while I regroup and rediscover my greater purpose as a blogger, here are some pictures I took from my ride this morning.

Sunrise down on the coast:

And up in the vineyards, I love these little tractors that putt along between the vines:

A random Roman ruin on a ridge outside of town:

Some of the salt lakes just south of Narbonne:

The road back into town:

Call it page filler; but it's the best I can come up with right now. As I'm sure many a writer has felt, I hope this isn't the beginning of the end.


Jim said...

Page filler? I think not. I love these photos. Thanks for including them in your post. Good training!

Unknown said...

Looks like great riding, glad you got your spark back. I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rachel Nelson said...

Thanks Jim; that makes me feel better. I might even write something good and get it posted by tomorrow!